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Bringing Us Together

Thursday, April 28, 2016

As we head to "The City Beautiful", otherwise known as Orlando, for this year's AAO Annual Session, we believe the theme of collaboration is a powerful one, uniting colleagues old an new as well as orthodontist and supplier. It's what we have done ourselves for 30 years in cultivating over 20,000 relationships through panoramic technology. It's who we are, it's the ONLY thing we do!

If you'll be traveling to or already are in Orlando for the orthodontic marquee event of the year, be sure to stop by and see us in BOOTH #458.  Here's what to look forward to...

- Exclusive SHOW pricing & promotions, including 0% interest for 36 months on ALL purchases.

- Personalized product demonstrations & information

- FREE Starbucks®!

Exhibit Hall hours will be posted later this week, but attendees will have access to the World Marketplace starting Saturday, each day through Tuesday.  For on site contact, email us at INFO@PANCORP.COM or you can reach one of our SHOW TEAM members directly by dialing 260-341-3272.

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