Power of the Pan
Wednesday, July 2, 2014Here at Panoramic we are often encouraged and inspired by the work of not only our employees but what results from the product we design and produce. It’s effective diagnostic ability within comprehensive dental care gives us credible reason each day for the viability of panoramic imaging.
Once such panoramic success story came to us just last week.
With a nationwide network of service providers, we are routinely equipping new technicians as well as providing ongoing training here at our home-office in Fort Wayne, Indiana. A few weeks ago one such tech was in for a two-day session and shared with us a story about his son who at a very young age developed severe discomfort in his lower jaw. Naturally, the inclination was to visit his local dentist who after evaluation, believed that perhaps the pain was stemming from an Orthodontic need. Upon the initial consult with the Orthodontist, a panoramic radiograph revealed a rather large tumor. The image captured that day literally saved the child’s life by identifying the situation in a stage where it was still treatable. Having gone undetected, this story assuredly would have had a much different ending.
Our technician recalled the return visit to their referring dentist as a humbling, yet convicting recognition of the need for a panoramic X-ray machine in that office. One such unit was literally installed the following week.
Panoramic radiography played a critical role in facilitating what now is a vibrant, healthy life for our technician’s son! And while not every panoramic image uncovers such serious conditions, these type of stories do echo the strength and power of a pan!