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Stories from ADA

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Many thanks to everyone who stopped by to see us last week in San Antonio during ADA's marquee event of the year, their Annual Session! We always enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to connect with current and future customers, especially when a visit is for no other reason than to share success stories.

One such office from North Carolina took time to let us know how much they love their panoramic machine, but also to pass along the results of a recent office bet which certainly got our attention! Just the other day a digital image had gotten lost in cyberspace. The staff was unfortunately perplexed as to where it went, but the Dr. made a bet with his team that we could find it.

Guess who won?

Just a quick phone call to our team and we were able to find the missing image!

The winning bet was enough for Dr to purposely seek us out at the show just to let us know how much he appreciates the fact we are always there when he needs us with a system they truly enjoy using.

If you are looking for a panoramic partner you can love, why not start a conversation with us today?


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