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TAX Savings

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

If you have received one of our recent mailers in the past month or so, you likely noticed we are using some new iconography to bring more awareness about the savings involved via the IRS Section 179 Tax Deduction. Surprising as it may seem, many practitioners are unfamilar with this deduction! In the coming weeks ahead we'll be providing more details and information about this often overlooked advantage that you have access to!

Savings yielded from this tax benefit also play a critical role in the overall return on investment with any practice improvement, including panoramic radiography equipment. We have even developed individual  ROI outlines for each of our products for a quick visual overview analysis. Request one today by contacting us directly at 800-654-2027.

It's not to late to begin executing your year-end practice improvement strategies, so consult your tax accountant for a personal review of how Section 179 applies to you and your practice!

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