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BIG Advantages MINI Reward

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

One of the biggest advantages for most PC-1000 users is the fact they have a machine that is completely upgradable to direct digital. And not just direct digital, but with one of the most advanced sensors available, capable of state-of-the-art imaging capability! Save thousands over buying a new machine, achieve real time, razor sharp image clarity, and easily adopt in your office with minimal learning curve as machine operation stays exactly the same.

BIG advantages and for a very limited time, receive a MINI reward! Starting today, customers who upgrade their PC-1000 machine digital by June 28th receive a FREE Apple® iPad MINI!

If you are a PC-1000 customer, thank you as we appreciate your loyalty and want to be sure we are sharing the latest information and options to elevate your practice. For those who may be inquiring or "searching" for a panoramic product, give us a call and X-perience our panoramic X-ray solutions!

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