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Why Encompass?

Thursday, June 4, 2015

verb | en·com·pass

Certain words in the English language cause us to stop and give pause in wanting to ensure that we heard the word correctly. In fact, this happens somewhat regularly when dialoguing with our customers who are exploring new or updated extraoral imaging solutions. Occasionally we'll have someone ask, "Why that name?"  Beyond the obvious etymology, we wanted a  memorable and yet slightly different descriptor for a product that we felt truly accommodates all of the extraoral needs a busy dental/orthodontic practice would need....and may need in the future.

And Encompass it was!

After almost five years of proven market performance, we are proud to very soon unveil a recent accolade that we believe will continue to propel the essence of this product which represents our most advanced imaging system ever made. Stay tuned for an exciting bit of news coming your way!

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