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Friday, January 9, 2015

All of us at Panoramic are excited about the new year ahead and hope that 2015 is off to a great start for your practice! With the turning of the calendar to January comes an opportunistic outlook of a fresh start and new possibilities.

What will your 2015 bring?

New patients? Improved efficiencies? Enhanced technologies?

Don't let January unfold without crafting a strategic vision for your practice with visible, measurable goals to help elevate the patient care you deliver. And if we can help aid, improve your panoramic imaging diagnostics, we invite you to start a conversation with our team. New ideas, new opportunities are available from your trusted value leader!

January will also include the Yankee Dental Congress in Boston, January 28th-February 1st. For those planning to attend, be sure to stop by and see us in BOOTH #931! Stay tuned for more details.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 is quickly coming to a close! All of us at Panoramic express our appreciation and gratitude to all of our customers for their support in allowing us to serve their practice over this past year.

We consider it an honor and a privilege assisting, in a small way, the successful treatment and care of your patients!

For those who may still be considering purchases before year-end, there is still time as our offices will be open through the completion of the business day tomorrow, Wednesday, December 31st for last minute orders. And should you reference this BLOG or Facebook post, receive an additional $500 discount off year-end pricing specials!

Finally, the entire team at Panoramic wish you a vibrant, prosperous New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Tis the season for giving!

Buy ANY digital panoramic imaging system this week and receive a FREE Apple® iPad when you mention this BLOG or post on Facebook!

This offer expires December 26th!

And don't forgot about...

...the SIGNIFICANT tax savings now available through IRS Section 179 which expires 6 days later on December 31st!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at Panoramic!

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