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Panoramic Radiography Making Dollars & Cents...and Sense!

Monday, July 25, 2016

For many practices, general and specialty alike, the use of panoramic radiography yields incredibly valuable diagnostic information for the care and treatment of their patients. In fact, dental professionals will often express to us their deep reliance on this tool in knowing how critical extraoral imaging is to their practice, foremost clinically, but financially as well.

And yet in certain cases there is a school of thought that a pan is only needed for specialists. The following article
Panoramic X-rays make dollar$ and ¢ents
by Richard S. Demke, DDS; William Jacobs; and Allan G. Farman, BDS, PhD, MBA, published by Dental Economics is an insightful point of reference detailing the many aspects of why a judicious use of panoramic radiography truly does make a lot of cents...and sense!

We invite you to a conversation about how this powerful tool can benefit your practice in both the short and long term! Email us at INFO@PANCORP.COM!

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